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Announcing Enhanced VCS Integration 🎉 🎉

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Changes between v1.2.1 and v1.3.0»


  • Added ability to view spaces as a list view, you can now switch between Diagram and List view using the toggle in the page header
  • Added Account details drawer (under user menu) with self hosted version, license information and identity provider data.
  • Updated documentation links to use the currently used self hosted version immediately
  • Added list view customization
  • Added stack settings scheduling and policies tabs
  • Added module list and form redesign


  • Fix: Raw Git does not work with terraform modules

Changes between v1.2.0 and v1.2.1»


  • Fix for an issue where a commit to Bitbucket Datacenter could trigger more stacks than necessary
  • Fix for an issue where crashed workers left runs in a hanging state
  • If custom certificates are defined, Spacelift's internal HTTP client will use those for AWS-related requests as well

Changes between v1.1.0-hotfix.1 and v1.2.0»



  • Fixed a bug where some of the runs weren't scheduled because we attempted to checkout the same license from License Manager at the same time in parallel. Now license checkouts are serialized to avoid this issue.

Changes between v1.1.0 and v1.1.0-hotfix.1»


  • Fixed an issue where license check-out could fail when multiple runs were scheduled at the same time

Changes between v1.0.0 and v1.1.0»



  • Various backend and frontend fixes and improvements

Changes between v0.0.12 and v1.0.0»



  • Improved license check-out logic
  • Fix stale logs display for targeted replans
  • Allow to persist roles and collections installed during run initialization for Ansible stacks automatically
  • Various other backend and frontend fixes and improvements

Changes between v0.0.11 and v0.0.12»



  • Various backend and frontend fixes and improvements

Changes between v0.0.10 and v0.0.11»



  • Various backend and frontend fixes and improvements

Changes between v0.0.9 and v0.0.10»



  • Do not re-create SAML certificate during each install

Changes between v0.0.8 and v0.0.9»


  • Increase worker default disk size to 40GB.
  • Adding support for Terraform versions up to v1.5.7.
  • Update frontend and backend to the latest versions.


  • Enforce bucket policy to prevent objects getting fetched not using HTTPS.
  • Updated no account ID message to indicate that it is caused by missing AWS credentials in the install script.

Changes between v0.0.7 and v0.0.8»



  • Remove the unused ecs-state-handler Lambda.


  • Improve warning message during installation when changeset contains no changes.
  • Fix role assumption and automatic ECR login in GovCloud regions.
  • Don't incorrectly attempt to report errors to Bugsnag in Self-Hosting (errors were never reported, but this could cause some misleading log entries).
  • Fix crash on run startup if the runner image was missing the ps command.
  • Increase default worker pool size to t3.medium.
  • Increase minimum drain instances to 3 to provide more resilience.